Alden Olmsted
2 min readJul 10, 2021


Hi Edward.

By propaganda I simply meant that I’ve heard these complaints before, all by liberal Christians or ex-Christians, and yes, almost in the same order.

I don’t mean to downgrade your experience, I just want to hear it separate from the specifics of the western church.

Jesus did his life’s work before the church existed. You don’t need to trust every church in order to follow Jesus. Somehow you (and a few of my ex — Christian friends) have connected Jesus with the U.S church, and specifically with the Republican Party. I’m not a Repub. and because my dad left at an early age I always held authority figures at arms length, or didn’t trust them outright (esp. male).

So if a pastor fails me or my church, it’s disappointing but it doesn’t affect my relationship to Jesus.

Bottom line Edward the question isn’t how has the western church failed you, it’s how has Jesus saved you? Do you truly understand what he’s done?

It seems you’d rather dwell on the negative.


I was only able to finally forgive my father (and it became my first documentary) because Jesus has forgiven me. I couldn’t have done it without accepting that fact. That’s what matters, not what the western church has not done for you, but what Jesus has. (JFK pun unintended).

Lastly (and most importantly), you say you were “disgusted by the doctrine” of substitutionary atonement? That’s the crux of the whole thing!

Forget about church — why were you compelled to follow Jesus in the first place if the part the entire faith hinges on you found disgusting?




Alden Olmsted

I was born in a small town in Northern California just another latch-key kid obsessed with BMX and Tom Petty. Now I make films and travel and write when I can.